Wheel Of The Year
&RITUAL and America Village Apothecary Collaboration.
A Journey About Re-Connecting.
To Begin To Place Value Once Again On Softer Knowing, Intuition And Imagination. The Non-Physical, Spiritual And Natural World.
In the past, time was seen as a great wheel ever revolving rather that a linear progression, those who came before us were deeply rooted in celestial patterns and the rhythms of nature.
Wheel of the Year was a Journey to connect deeply into the cycles of nature and how that journey might transform our lives in a meaningful way.
Uncovering the tracks of this ancient way of being it explored the cycles of the moon, plants and their medicine, the changing of the light, sounds and the seasons and how by becoming more sensitive to the rhythms of nature we begin to come in to a more authentic relationship to our own rhythm WITH nature.
Living a conscious life in tune with the natural world brings us clarity, connection and space.
Throughout the year we curated workshops and events to coincide with:
Winter Solstice
Spring Equinox
Summer Solstice
Autumn Equinox
The Project was curated and led by Victoria McCormack of &RITUAL and Claire Davey of America Village Apothecary.
Between them Victoria and Claire have over 30 years experience in the arts, curating events, herbal studies, plant medicine, ritual, community work, community activism, facilitation and the simple pleasure of gathering people together.