The Cailleach

Welcome to the portal

Begin to harness the energy of the Cailleach and the Otherworld.

This course is designed to help and prepare you for a journey through the dark feminine half of the year.

For going inwards and resting in the truth of who you are.

I’m so honoured that you’ve chosen to travel this journey with me. This course is designed to be more than just an education in celtic cosmology – It’s a way of becoming, of touching your true nature and reclaiming your multidimensional self, of seeing and experiencing yourself as a part of the living world, in connection with all beings.

Every week during the Samhain four week lunar cycle a new module will be released, Beginning on 31st October and every Sunday afterwards.

Each week an email will be sent directly to your inbox that will include a link to the newly unlocked module. Once this lunar cycle has passed all modules will be available always, so you can take your own time to work your way through the course, and to revisit the content when you feel you may need to.

If you’re a part of the Live membership, we’ll be beginning our journey together on the eve of lunar Samhain, the 3rd November and ending on the Dark Moon of 3rd December. I’m very excited about walking this live offering with you, going even deeper into the modules, with added support, working with presence in a supportive Kula.

Dates for the Live sessions are:

Wednesday 3rd November (Dark Moon)

Wednesday 10th November

Wednesday 17th November (Full Moon week)

Wednesday 24th November

Wednesday 1st December (Dark Moon week/Close)

All sessions are from 8.00 - 9.30pm GMT

  • Week One


    The current landscape - Place

    Welcome; Context & Reflection. The Cailleach archetype and Celtic cosmology.

    What is the Cailleach and the characteristics of the Cailleach energy? Why should we connect this energy and the Otherworld now? How can we harness it to create new ways of being and living?

  • Week Two

    Dul i mbun dualgais

    Seperation - Answering the call.

    In module two we prepare for Seperation of old patterns and ways, allowing the Cailleach energy guide us through the necessary changes.

    We’ll use nature and sacred spaces to support us through this seperation ritual process.

    What are you ready to let go of ?

  • Week Three


    Initiation - The Pilgrimage

    The co-creational process of re-connection, with your true nature and the world around you is our focus now.

    We have passed the stage of seperation, we must now undertake the right of passage:

    ‘reintegrate an individual into kin, community, and cosmos when new status is attained.’*

    We will walk the path like a pilgrimage, allowing the initiation to happen to happen through Ritual and communing with nature and the Otherworld.

    Reclaiming and retrieving your embodied Cailleach energy, restoring balance between the masculine and feminine.

    *Encyclopedia Brittanica

  • Week Four

    Bean feasa

    Return - Recognition & Becoming

    We’ve been through the rituals of separation and initiation, now we’re ready to return.

    Recognising what is the unique gift that you return with and how might you share your wisdom with the world?

    We will pay homage to this return through Ceremony.

  • Sacred Space

  • Presence

  • nature & plants

  • Otherworld Connection

  • Ritual & Ceremony

Item 1 of 5



  • A Journal

  • A Sacred Space

    Creating a physical altar can be one of the best ways to help connect with sacred sense of place and your spirituality. Your altar represents your spirituality and your sense of conscious inner being, It’s your outer physical manifestation of your wider consciousness.

    Choose a place for your altar. This can be anywhere in your home, a windowsill, corner table. Preferably it will be somewhere out of the way that’s peaceful - or that can be.

    Place objects on your Altar that have meaning or are sacred to you whilst on this journey. These may be things such as: Elements of nature/place; Sacred possessions; Images; Written words (books/journal) etc. We will cover more on what to include in your sacred space during week one.

  • Herbs - We’ll explore these also during the first week.

    The Cailleach Box includes all that you need*

    There is 50% off of this as a member. Use the discount code: MEMBER21 at the checkout.

    *You do not need to get this box it is entirely optional.

Pellentesque Risus Ridiculus



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If you enjoy reading like me and want to dive a bit deeper I recommend the following:

  • Ever Ancient Ever New, Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century - Dolores Whelan

  • The Book of the Cailleach - Stories of the Wise-Woman Healer - Gearóid Ó Crualaoich

  • Anam Cara - John O’ Donoghue

  • Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche – Bill Plotkin


A video description of the book, a little cumbersome, your man is a bit of craic, but can help…

Mythical Ireland Book Talk #8: The Book of The Cailleach by Gearóid Ó Crualaoich

Any Questions?

Contact me below.

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